About Us

About UsWho We Are

Al-Kabab Al-Afghani Al-Jadeed Restaurant LLC is a popular Afghan restaurant in the UAE. Al Kabab Al-Afghani Restaurant was established in 2006 by a team of Afghan investors; our team already has over 20 years of experience in the restaurant business. We currently have locations in Afghanistan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. All our locations are extremely busy, and our chefs are highly experienced.

Our customers are not only limited to people from UAE but from all over the world. Many of our customers are from neighboring countries such as Oman, Qatar, and Yemen. We have tourists, locals, people on business trips, and more. We also provide free delivery for customers in Sharjah City. Customers can order via WhatsApp, Telephone, or our websites.

Once again, thanks for choosing our restaurant, and we will be glad to serve you.

"YES, We use Fresh!"


06-569 0083 / 06-569 0084

050 - 165 4706

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St, Near Maraija Square - Al Maraija Square - Al Jubail - Sharjah, UAE

Your special occasion destination

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